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Can you teach me nx open using visual basic .net?


Yes, I can help you get started with using Visual Basic .NET in NX Open.

NX Open is a programming interface that allows you to automate tasks in Siemens NX software. It is built on top of the .NET framework, which means that you can use programming languages such as Visual Basic .NET to create custom applications and macros.

Here are the basic steps to get started with NX Open in Visual Basic .NET:

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
  2. In the “New Project” dialog box, select “Class Library” as the project type.
  3. Give your project a name and click “Create.”
  4. Add a reference to the NXOpen and NXOpen.Utilities libraries. You can do this by right-clicking on the “References” folder in the Solution Explorer and selecting “Add Reference.”
  5. Add the following code to your project to initialize the NX session:

Imports NXOpen

Public Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
End Sub
End Module
  1. Build the project and then load it into NX by selecting “File” > “Execute…” from the NX menu.
  2. Your code is now running inside NX. You can add more code to create custom functionality.

This is just a basic example to get you started. To learn more about using Visual Basic .NET in NX Open, you can refer to the NX Open documentation and examples provided by Siemens, as well as online resources and tutorials.

How to create rectangle using visual basic .net using nx open apis


To create a rectangle using Visual Basic .NET in NX Open APIs, you can use the Sketch APIs. Here’s an example code snippet:

Imports NXOpen

Public Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work

' Create a new sketch
Dim sketch As Sketch = workPart.Sketches.Create()

' Set the sketch plane
Dim plane As Plane = workPart.Planes.WorkPlane

' Create a rectangle
Dim rectangleBuilder As SketchRectangleBuilder = sketch.SketchCurveBuilders.CreateRectangleBuilder()

' Update the sketch

' Exit the sketch

' Update the part
End Sub
End Module

This code creates a new sketch on the work plane, creates a rectangle using the SketchRectangleBuilder class, and updates the sketch and part. You can modify the size and position of the rectangle by changing the parameters passed to the SetCornerPoint, SetLengthDirection, and SetWidthDirection methods.

Give me example of using triplemask in nx open using visual basic .net


Sure, here’s an example of using TripleMask in NX Open using Visual Basic .NET:

Imports NXOpen

Public Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work

' Create a TripleMask for selecting edges, faces, and bodies
Dim mask As TripleMask = workPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleTripleMask( _
NXOpen.Selection.Selection.MaskType.Edge, _
NXOpen.Selection.Selection.MaskType.Face, _

' Select all edges, faces, and bodies in the part
Dim selectionAction As NXOpen.Selection.SelectionAction = _

' Get the selected objects
Dim selectedObjects() As NXObject = selectionAction.GetSelectedObjects()

' Print the names of the selected objects
For Each obj As NXObject In selectedObjects
End Sub
End Module

This code creates a TripleMask for selecting edges, faces, and bodies in the part, selects all objects using the mask, and then prints the names of the selected objects to the console.

You can modify the mask to select different types of objects, such as points, curves, or features, by changing the NXOpen.Selection.Selection.MaskType arguments passed to the CreateRuleTripleMask method.

How to identify if given selection of edge is full circle or not in nx open using visual basic .net


To identify if a given selection of an edge is a full circle or not in NX Open using Visual Basic .NET, you can use the Curve API and check if the curve is a NXOpen.Arc and if its start and end angles are equal. Here’s an example code snippet:

Imports NXOpen

Public Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work

' Select an edge
Dim edgeSelection As Selection.Selection = _
theSession.SelectionManager.SelectEdge("Select an edge")

' Get the selected edge
Dim selectedEdge As Edge = CType(edgeSelection.SelectedObjects.FirstOrDefault(), Edge)

' Get the curve of the edge
Dim curve As Curve = selectedEdge.GetCurve()

' Check if the curve is a full circle
If TypeOf curve Is NXOpen.Arc Then
Dim arc As NXOpen.Arc = CType(curve, NXOpen.Arc)
If arc.StartAngle = arc.EndAngle Then
Console.WriteLine("The selected edge is a full circle.")
Console.WriteLine("The selected edge is not a full circle.")
End If
Console.WriteLine("The selected edge is not a full circle.")
End If
End Sub
End Module

This code selects an edge, gets the curve of the edge, and then checks if the curve is a full circle by checking if it’s an NXOpen.Arc and if its start and end angles are equal. If the curve is a full circle, the code prints a message to the console saying that the selected edge is a full circle. Otherwise, it prints a message saying that the selected edge is not a full circle.


Convert above code in python.


Here’s the equivalent code in Python for identifying if a given selection of an edge is a full circle or not in NX Open:

import NXOpen

theSession = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
workPart = theSession.Parts.Work

# Select an edge
edgeSelection = theSession.SelectionManager.SelectEdge("Select an edge")

# Get the selected edge
selectedEdge = edgeSelection.SelectedObjects.FirstOrDefault()

# Get the curve of the edge
curve = selectedEdge.GetCurve()

# Check if the curve is a full circle
if isinstance(curve, NXOpen.Arc):
arc = curve
if arc.StartAngle == arc.EndAngle:
print("The selected edge is a full circle.")
print("The selected edge is not a full circle.")
print("The selected edge is not a full circle.")

This Python code performs the same tasks as the Visual Basic .NET code: selects an edge, gets the curve of the edge, and checks if the curve is a full circle by checking if it’s an NXOpen.Arc and if its start and end angles are equal. If the curve is a full circle, the code prints a message to the console saying that the selected edge is a full circle. Otherwise, it prints a message saying that the selected edge is not a full circle.


ChatGPT might be useful for many situations, but when it comes to Nx Open Programming APIs, be it questions or be it any learning focus queries, the results are complete disappointment. With the above exercise with ChatGPT ( we can conclude that, it can not be used for Nx Open.

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